Cărți de vizită

Materialul din care se pot realiza aceste produse este din : hartie DCM 300 gr/mp; cartoane speciale fedrigoni; tipar policromie fata/verso; colturi rotunjite, laminare mata sau lucioasa. Societatea beneficiaza de un program cu ajutorul caruia se elimina bunul de tipar, lucru care face posibila livrarea in 24 de ore de la comanda.

Business cards

The material from which these products can be made is from: DCM paper 300 gr/mp; Special Fedrigo cartons; polychromic printing face / back; matte or glossy lamination. The company benefits from a program that removes the print asset, which makes it possible to deliver within 24 hours of the order.


Printarea se face pe orice tip de autocolant existent in piata. In general lucram pe autocolant de tip removable. Montajul se face in toata tara si in capitala cu echipe proprii de montaj in cel mai scurt timp de la primirea bunului de tipar cu eficienta sporita.


Printing is done on any type of sticker in the market. Generally we're working on the removable sticker. The assembly is done all over the country and in the capital with its own assembly teams in the shortest time after receipt of the good with increased efficiency.


Executam toate tipurile de bannere de orice dimensiuni cu materiale de calitate. Finisarea se face cu tivuire introducandu-se capse din inox si eventual cordelina, asigurandu-se si montajul lor cu echipe proprii. Pentru cele situate la inaltime avem echipa proprie de alpinisti.


We perform all kinds of banners of any size with quality materials. The finishing is done with embroidery by inserting stainless and possibly cordel caps, ensuring their assembly with their own teams. For those located at the height we have our own climbing team.

Calendare / Agende

Executam orice tip de calendare in orice format, pe orice suport. Calendarele pot fi realizate atat cu tipar offset cat si digital pentru tiraje mici. Se personalizeaza cu imaginile clientului si se alege calendaristica dorita de client. Se finiseaza cu spira sau cu capse. La cererea clientului oferim orice tip de felicitari si carti postale cu imaginile oferite de client in formatul si pe suportul dorit.

Calendars / Notebooks

We perform any type of carton of any kind with the customization required by the client and in the printing required by the client. We execute advertising flyers of any size and on any support desired by the client both on offset and digital printing, depending on the desired circulation. We perform posters on any type of support, both on paper and backlight or frontlight of any size.

Tapet printabil

Tapetul printabil ofera un rezultat perfect al imprimarii pe orice printer care functioneaza cu cerneluri pe baza de solvent sau cu cerneluri UV, permitand printarea unor imagini spectaculoase demne de cea mai complexa imaginatie.

Printable wallpaper

The printable wallpaper offers a perfect print job on any printer that runs solvent-based inks or UV inks, allowing you to print spectacular images worthy of the most imaginative imagery.

Cataloage / Flyere

Putem executa orice fel de cataloage de prezentare la orice dimensiune pe suportul dorit de client. Executam flyere de orice dimensiune si pe orice suport dorit de client atat pe tipar offset cat si digital, in functie de tirajul dorit.

Catalogs / Flyers

We can run any kind of presentation catalogs at any size on the support we want. We execute flyers of any size and on any support desired by the client both on offset and digital printing, depending on the desired circulation.

Mape / Pliante / Postere

Executam orice tip de mape din orice tip de carton cu personalizarea ceruta de client si in tirajul cerut de client. Executam postere pe orice tip de suport, atat pe hartie cat si backlight sau frontlight de orice dimensiune.

Folders / Posters

We perform any type of carton of any kind with the customization required by the client and in the printing required by the client. We perform posters on any type of support, both on paper and backlight or frontlight of any size.

Legitimații / Ecusoane

Executam legitimatii cu coperti speciale personalizate cu folio, timbru sec sau serigrafie. Executam ecusoane de diverse forme si dimensiuni in functie de cerintele clientului care se pot plastifia. Se pot adauga si diferite accesorii (lantisoare, etc.).


We perform special personalized covers with folio, dry stamp or screen printing. We produce badges of various shapes and sizes according to the clients' requirements that can be plasticized. Various accessories can also be added (thrusters, etc.).


Executam orice tip de mesh-uri si la orice dimensiune cu tivuire perimetrala, cu capse din inox si avem echipe proprii de montaj oriunde se doreste inclusiv la inaltime cu echipa proprie de alpinisti utilitari. Montajul se executa cu echipe proprii. Transportul in Bucuresti este gratuit.


We perform any kind of mesh and any size with perimeter stamping, with stainless steel staples and we have our own assembly teams wherever you want, including height with your own team of utility mountaineers.The assembly is done with their own teams. Transport in Bucharest is free of charge.

Roll up-uri

Sistemele Roll-up sunt ideale pentru expozitii, seminarii, conferinte, lansari de produs, showroom-uri, etc. Pretul include tiparirea pe material (polipropilena lucioasa sau mata), finisarea si montarea acestuia pe sistem si geanta captusita pentru transport.

Roll ups

Roll-up systems are ideal for exhibitions, seminars, conferences, product launches, showrooms, etc. The price includes printing on the material (glossy or matte polypropylene), finishing and mounting on the system and the padded carry bag.


Spidere inaltime: 226.5cm/ Latime: 250cm/ Spatiu ocupat: 250x228x67cm/ Constructia usor de montat (cu arcuri incluse)/ 18 bare cu banda magnetica se fixeaza usor de constructia (sistem click)/3 panele frontale (680x2265x0.6mm) si 2 laterale (650x2265x0.4mm)/ Personalizat complet/ Geanta de transport


Height: 226.5cm Width: 250cm / Occupied space: 250x228x67cm / The easy to fit construction (with spring included) / 18 bars with magnetic tape is easy to fix (click system) / 3 front panels (680x2265x0.6mm) (650x2265x0.4mm) / Full custom / Travel bag

People stoppere

Executam people stoppere din diverse materiale (forex,stadur etc.) la dimensiunile dorite de solicitant.

People stoppers

We execute people stopping from various materials (forex, stadur etc.) to the size desired by the applicant.


Executăm operațiuni de branding pentru echipamente si sedii de firme sau decorari de magazine/ mall-uri. Montajul se executa cu echipe proprii. Transportul in Bucuresti este gratuit.


We perform branding operations for equipment and company headquarters or shop / mall decoration. The assembly is done with their own teams. Transport in Bucharest is free of charge.

Echipamentele performante din dotare si adaptarea lor permanenta la evolutia pietei vin in intampinarea clientilor si nevoilor lor in orice situatie si in conditiile oricarui termen de executie si livrare.
Tel. fix: 021.430.12.29; Tel. mobil: 0722.660.283 / 0730.660.283 / 0722.661.283; E-mail: vasile.onica[at] / sales[at]; Adresa: Str. Coloniei, nr. 6, etaj 1, ap. 2, sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania